Tampon during ovulation?


Soooooooooo before anyone calls me dumb, listen Linda 😂✋🏽

So I’m ovulating, not really but it’s what ima say cause it’s the only thing that makes sense 😭 but I’m bleeding annnnd it’s not heavy, but it’s continuous and it’s VERY annoying because I’m right in the middle of my period and don’t like the fact that I’m having to be cautious about where I sit or lay cause I don’t wanna stain anything. I shouldn’t have to deal with those worries for about another 2 1/2 weeks. But to control this bleeding, I put a tampon on 🙃it’s all I had but worst decision ever 🤦🏾‍♀️ I took it out after 10 mins cause the cramps were too bad so NOW I have bleeding and almost unbearable cramps RIGHT in the MIDDLE of my period smh. So how do I make my cramps stop at least? I typically do bleed after I workout for whatever reason 🤔 and I did again today but now it won’t stop so ima just link it to ovulation being that this is like day 11 or 12 of my cycle. Should I be concerned? 🤔cause I’m really not at all! I’m 23, I’m so used to my body doing whatever whenever that when super odd things like this happen, I dismiss them!