
This whole pregnancy I knew something was wrong something was off.. I had cramps and contractions for the entire first and second trimester.. My contractions becoming more persistent some times then others. I had dreams of delivering early of my baby going to the NICU. I had a huge feeling and I told everyone to just prepare because I felt like he was different his movement his actions the way my body felt. I felt like he had no room and that he would break my water. I infact told my grandmother that at 28 weeks. I was having bloody discharge which was my mucus plug starting at 30 weeks... Well at 32 weeks I start having contractions these were different more pressure and pain than normal.. I wait it out 2 days before I call the doctors because what changed my mind was I had a huge glob of bloody discharge. Well the doctor on call wrote me off and told me not to come in unless my water broke or I bled enough to fill a pad. I went in anyway. He sent me home after a few tests saying I was normal and baby was healthy. Well the next day my water broke and reality set in. I'm going to be having a baby sooner rather than later. I was put on magnesium, fluids, steriods and antibiotics for the baby and to try to make him wait till I made it to 34 weeks to deliver. My contractions didnt stop they were coming every 3-4 minutes. They gave me a shot in the arm and it killed my contractions. Now I am sitting and waiting for my precious baby to cook for another 10 days..