Update on how things are going with my baby that we’ve been worried about looisng

Mandy • 💏2012 🎀👶🏼1/10/14👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻2019👼🏻6/30/19,👼🏻5/31/20

Ok so I posted this weekend about how we had another scare with baby to where on Friday after my ultrasound which was an abdominal one not a vagina one I got home and and a pretty good amount of blood. Now I’d had bleeding from 4-9 weeks so bleeding and cramping in this pregnancy wasn’t completely strange but it had been stopped 100% for the past month so it gave me a heart attack especially since I’m now in my second trimester so I didn’t know a reason that it would be happening and after loosing 4 baby’s before this one since May of 2018 we were very worried. After the bleeding Friday I had a few times Saturday where my uterus balled up reallllly hard and was able to be seen through my belly when I’d lay down cause it was so hard. It didn’t hurt at all but it scared me so I called my ob on call at the hospital and she said I could be loosing him and to wait till it got more painful then come up there and they’d deliver him and being only 13 weeks and some days I was devastated and kind of annoyed that she’d say that and get me worked up without even seeing me just speaking to me on the phone. Sunday I had more contractions but those were painful and come Monday the pain was through the roof and I wasn’t gonna keep sitting around wondering if he was ok so I called and got into see my ob and I’m soooo glad I did. It was actually the same one I spoke to on the phone she was very nice did everything in her power to keep me calm. She checked my cervix and said it was 100% closed and it was very long which I gathered must be a good thing I guess. She said if they were true contractions they weren’t affecting my cervix at all so baby was gonna be fine. She checked my ultrasound reports from Friday to be sure there was no bleed on there to explain the random bout of bleeding which had completely stoped by Saturday night but there was no bleed and she checked my progesterone to make sure it’s not to low which can cause contractions and cramping but I never got a call from her so I’m guessing it was fine but I’m still gonna call about it tomorrow to be sure. Thank you all for all the prayers and advice and kind words everyone has said to keep me calm and assure me baby would be ok. I’ve been put on bed and pelvic rest until further notice so hopefully things calm down with the cramps and contractions yet if they don’t then once I hit 16 weeks she said they can start shots to help stop them but fingers crossed we won’t need the shots. If only this little boy knew how much love he’s already got and how many people family, friends and even total strangers are rooting for him to pull through