I don’t know what to do.☹️

I’m posting this anonymously just in case. But I’m having some issues and I need y’all a advice. So me and my hubby want custody of my nephew. And here’s the reason why. So my sister who’s 27 still lives with my mom who’s 50. My sister or mom don’t have a job. And at first I made excuses for my mom because she had surgery and couldn’t work. But after her time off she chose not to go back because she loves not working. My sister doesn’t work because she’s lazy and is a drug addict. My sister is addicted to her prescribed medication. She abuses it. Buys it and sells it. She’s gotten my mom to do pills sometimes too. My sister brings in randoms and they will steal my moms purse,their meds and almost everything they have. My sister will pawn my moms car off to whatever and my mom doesn’t do anything about it. My sister stole my moms $400 for the power and ran off and got pills with it. Which lead my mom and nephew without power. My sister throws party’s in the house (living with them was HELL). I would wake up with people in the shower passed out drunk,and people would randomly walk into my room drunk. I got out of there fast. Well I feel bad because my 8 year old nephew has to deal with it and I worry he’s going to turn out to be like his mom when he gets older. My sister told me if he wants to ever smoke or drink when he turns 13 she’s going to let him. My nephew is a smart boy. And he’s missed over 100 days of school. He doesn’t shower,he didn’t know how to wipe his butt for the longest time and would poop hisself. He doesn’t get fed because they don’t have food ever because of drugs. My nephew cusses and gets physical sometimes because he wasn’t taught right from wrong. He still sleeps in the same bed as his mom too.I’m so stressed about it because I want him to grow up to be a better person. However I don’t know how to do it. My mom actually thought it was a good idea for him to live with us at one point. And even my nephew said he wanted to live with us. But my sister refused to give him up. My husband told me to give it a little bit and then go to social services but I’m terrified and nervous I’ll just be doing it for nothing. I want no drama but I know my sister will raise hell because she’s that type of person. What do I do? Also,I’ll update this every hour or so,if y’all have questions. I just want to keep my identity hidden for reasons.