Dealing with diarrhea

So, I know it’s gross, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve had diarrhea now for quite some time. Years probably off and on. But mostly on. It was happening so much I never realized it was was my normal if that makes sense. “Normal” BM’s are rare for me. I went to a doctor a little less than 6 months ago and they got a stool sample and checked for some infections/parasites and that all came back okay. They said its likely that I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and recommended watching what I eat and Imodium when needed. Imodium usually helps, but then I have the problem where it constipates me and makes my stomach hurt BAD. As far as diet goes, I kept a food diary for a few weeks after the doctor recommended doing so, but the problem is that I couldn’t find a rhyme or reason. I could eat something one day and be totally fine, and the next time I would eat it, boom diarrhea. So I don’t know.

Does anyone else go through this? Or does anyone have any suggestions for me?