Baby #2s first sonogram (measuring small)

Cassidy • 22 | mommy to 2🧸🤍

So I went for my 9 week sonogram appointment on May 3rd, we got to see our little peanut! Well anyway my doctor said that the baby was measuring a week behind as you can see it says 8 weeks 1 day & 2 days but I’m honestly not worried about it I’m not going to stress myself, the baby is probably growing slower then expected. My doctor just told me she will check at my next appointment to see if the baby is caught up and if she needs to change due date! But y’all I am so excited for this journey! My daughter is going to be a big sister!! I know y’all can’t tell but comment down below what y’all think the gender is! But look at our little peanut, sooo precious.😭💜