Normal after a Plan B?

So I took a Plan B on April 25th, 11-12 hrs after unprotected sex with my bf (he didn’t cum in me but just to be safe). 5 days after I had this brown/deep red bleeding (basically a period) for 4-5 days and it was slightly heavy. Before that, my last period was April 17-21 and my next one was scheduled for May 16-20 and today (May 8) my nipples feel slightly sore and I experienced some light vaginal twinges (like 3 times). Could this be like PMS for my scheduled period? Should I expect my normal scheduled period? Is this normal? I’m getting crazy anxiety..

P.s. (I know Plan B messes up and changes your cycle....but is this normal for me to feel like this and for these things to be happening?) Does it mean the Plan B worked?