I need help...


Me and my boyfriend broke up last night. I feel horrible because I talked about it over FaceTime and ended up...ending it over FaceTime and I feel bad but I couldn’t go on anymore. But now I regret everything. Breaking up with him but at the same time he wasn’t trying anymore and I was trying to give him space when he wanted me to and change for him to make the relationship better but he didn’t like me anymore or love me.

He says he’s not in the right mind set to be in a relationship and I get that... but he made and kept showing those promises or things we always talked about for the future. Like kids and names tat we wanna name them and we broke up twice before this and one was for four days and another one for and hour or so...and I feel so cheated out. I wanted to fix this, feeling that each time we got into a argument or disagreement. That in the end we would still “come home together”, or like we would still be together in the end of all this because he said he would doesn’t want to give up so easily like the first time. And he’s a SOPHOMORE and Ik people will say he’s young and still learning I’m going to be a senior and he’s going to be a junior. And I just felt like even if grades are different, I really thought...

I really need someone to talk to rn. 😔