should i run? 🥴

so me & my bf been dating for some months , it’ll be a year in aug, so I jus find it that I’m always tryna think of new things to do , babe let’s go here & there, do this etc. he doesn’t plan anything (he’s new to town) but I’m like still that’s no excuse. (he been here a yr) we talked about him being emotionally unavailable & he said the only way he knows how to show it is to buy flowers or when we have sex, so I gave him some tips like a card, get creative, the small things, plan things I like (I’ve done it for him in the past) to help him out, I hope it helps but I’m like still should I be concerned? he’s 30 & basically said all his life he was taught to be emotionally unavailable, we do want to marry in the future but I’m like I think we need a lot of counseling before that .