Urine color to determine baby’s gender


Hello ladies!!! Before I get started I want to say this is just for fun, so please no negative Nancy’s lol... I know the only way to determine your baby’s gender is with a blood tests and ultrasound. This is just for fun I know it’s an old wives tale, I just wanted to see how accurate it might be for some of you.

So the OWT states that if your urine is dull yellow/cloudy that your having a girl and if it bright/neon yellow your having a boy. I know that hydration and vitamins can change your urine as well but I’m not looking for those answers either lol.

So post below the color of your urine and if you know the gender already post your answer. I’m just curious to see what everyone says and again I think this will be fun!

As for me I have had light dull yellow urine which is sometimes cloudy.. I won’t know the gender until May 16th so I’ll update mine then.. and just an FYI my last pregnancy was a boy and I had neon yellow pee.

Thanks ladies!! 😆