Is it normal?

Jessica • I’m 30 have an almost 9 year old and a 5 year old. Four loses 2 ectopic one resulted in losing my right tube and the other 2 were spontaneous miscarriages and we are praying for a third baby. My most recent loss was another ectopic but thankfully they w

This is my fifth month in clomid. I’m at 150 mg. I only have one tube due to a pregnancy loss between my two boys. This next month or so will be two years TTC # 3. I lost two in 2012. Had my oldest in 2014 and lost our girl in October of 2014. Had my youngest in 2017! I don’t think I ovulate even on the clomid. But I was supposed to ovulate on the 16 so I’ve been temping and charting my OPk and it changed to ovulation tomorrow. But I just don’t think it’s right. Has this happened to anyone and it be right?

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