What grinds my gears


So we've never TTC'd, both our boys were unplanned. We decided to try and have one last one!

Now check this out. My period comes like clock work EVERY month, it has since it started 22 years ago. It comes exactly when it's supposed to regardless of how stressful, emotional, etc my life is (of course exception pregnancy but after it's back to regular once the initial one comes back)...

Fast forward to us deciding we want to TTC ...tell me why Florence decides to come late every month since we've decided we wanted another baby. Florence is once again past due (I'm now on CD 40 when it's usually 30) tests have been negative. Like....Florence...get your shit together. My OBGYN. Said she will have us try for a year before she steps in. So we are only about 6 months in. Maybe because I am now consciously trying for a baby, but it seems like both my boys were easier to conceive. Which I know is crazy to say since they weren't planned. I just need her to come already, so we can continue trying.