HG mommas out there....


Or any other mommas who might feel the same way...

Anyone feel they are grieving their pregnancy? Today’s my due date and I feel I’m grieving the loss of what could have been a beautiful experience, but wasn’t. I’m a first time mom and had HG terribly. I had to take around the clock phenergan and Zofran to stay out of the hospital due to the vomiting.... but still ended up there many times. When I told my fiancé that today was 40 weeks... he just said... how horrific it has been. We have an induction scheduled for Monday. I am hoping it’s all worth it! I went out on medical leave from my job 10 weeks ago because I was sick (I’m a flight paramedic; couldn’t handle the motion.. was non-stop throwing up) and then ultimately had to resign from my job because they were only giving me until 06/20 to come back (only qualified for medical leave, unpaid, since I hadn’t been there as a full-time employee for a year). Absolutely devastating. In the meanwhile, I had another flight position interview me...I had all of the necessary qualifications and more... the interview went super well...I passed their exam with flying colors... and never heard back... not even a response from the recruiter I was working with....and I know it was because I was pregnant. I hope everything will work out in the end. This has truly be devastating.

I hope my little guy will at least be healthy and happy- but I don’t know. I had to take so many prescriptions just to stay alive. I’m grateful to get to experience pregnancy anyways... anyone else in the same boat? Just hope seeing his face for the first time will erase this all!