Just venting - back pain


I was up all night with the WORST back pain. It’s in one spot on my left side, in the middle. It would come in waves but never fully go away, and would come back every time I changed positions. Honestly thought I was going to pass out or vomit at one point. Ugh.

39+2 today. Had a cervix check yesterday and I was 1 cm & 50% effaced. No real signs of labor though. No mucus plug, mild contractions every day but nothing worth even timing. Just feeling so different since yesterday. The back pain, soreness, pressure in my butt off and on. Not sure what’s going on but, if he’s trying to figure his way out, fine by me!

UPDATE: it’s 4:00 pm. Still having back pain. I’ve had 3 bowel movements today. Fairly certain my mucus plug passed. Still no contractions really moving to the front, no water breaking, he’s still moving around like normal. Called my OB and they just want me to stay home for now, rest, hydrate, and call if anything changes. 🤞🏼