Breastfeeding & Pumping advice...

I’m a FTM (currently 38 weeks pregnant) and been having questions about this...

1. At how many days or weeks do you started to pump after giving birth?

2. How do you do it? Do you latch your baby on one boob and the machine in other? Or you leave your baby to eat peacefully and then pump? How many minutes after or how many minutes before do you pump?

3. If I pump before breastfeeding wouldn’t I be taking milk away from my baby?

I need a big stash before going back to work for the person that will be taking care of him...

I need help 😫

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I started immediately as my baby was in the NICU for a first few days, (something you can't discount as this was completely unexpected for us) but if all is well, the breastfeeding class I took said to wait 4 weeks to establish 1.) Supply and 2.) To get baby completely up to speed with feeding.


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I watched a video on YouTube how to breastfeed it was so helpful if you do it wrong baby wont get much milk and it will hurt


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I don’t know the answers to all your questions but I have been told by sooooooo many people to get a haakaa! You nurse on one side and use the haakaa on the other to collect what leaks out and it can really save a lot of milk! Good luck with everything!


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You are best to wait a few weeks to make sure your baby has established breastfeeding and your milk is in well. Then you are best to pump after your baby has fed as the baby may want to feed from both breast. So you would feed and then pump from the second side whether the baby fed there or not. Remember though that pumping after feeding will increase your supply as it works by supply and demand so you may have some issues with engorgement if you don’t plan to continue pumping long term.


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I started a couple weeks after birth. I nursed on both sides and then pumped about 5-10 minutes after she was finished.