PLEASE! I need help! 😭

Melanie • 30 Mother of 3 👩🏻👧🏻👧🏻👶🏻

Ok so I got my nose pierced for the 3rd time but different side at the beginning of March. After 3 weeks I bumped it and of course it started developing a bump around my jewelry 🙄 I kept it in as long as I could and was doing sea salt soaks and tried tea tree oil, but it’s been quite some time already with little to no difference. Technically it was getting better but then it would get worse 😪 I just decided to take it out all together. So my question long will it take for the bump to go away now that I’ve decided to let the hole close? Will it go away? Do I need to just leave it alone? Or do I need to do anything else? 🤔 my piercer wasn’t any help, she wasn’t messaging me back 😒