Thoughtful husband


My husband isn’t romantic, he doesn’t ever get me gifts that’s just never been his thing. I had our second son 3 weeks ago and he had to stay home with our first at night and watch him for the two days I was in the hospital. Our first is 20 months old and he still cry’s in the middle of the night for a quick cuddle.

My husband has never done nighttime duty since he’s been born it’s always me. So for two days he was the one putting him to sleep and getting him ready for the day. When I got home from the hospital he asked me how I keep the house clean, make food and keep the one child content because he was so tired from him crying all night and then him not wanting to eat, and bath time is a fiasco.

Today he bought me flowers, sushi, and chocolate covered strawberry’s. I was so touched I honestly thought I’d get a hug lol.