Lichen Sclerosis??? TMIn

I’ve been having lots of itching and flaking down in my pubic area for the past few months. I hadn’t had the time nor means to go to the doctor until it started to unbearable in the last week.

The skin on pubic area has been a flaky white and itches like a mf. I’ve woke up in the middle of the night itching until I’m bloody... once the white flakes are gone it’s all red. Some times I can randomly get a day or two of it not itching or burning, but it always come back. I can’t even groom myself because it gets too irritated...

My doctor thinks that in might be Lichen Sclerosis and wants me to go in to the gynecologist for a biopsy. I can’t use anything to help it because she doesn’t want anything to mess up the test.

Anyone have any thoughts on if this sounds like Lichen Sclerosis?

I’d post a pic but I don’t want to break the rules of “no genitalia”. And it’d probably be way too TMI