
Well, here we go.

My period has always kind of been on again off again. Always running either early or late.

My period was late by 60 days. I had missed a whole two periods. Thanking I was pregnant, I took a few at home tests which would tell me the weeks. I got some that could indicate pregnancy from 7 days and up. I bought different brands, different weeks.

I usually just take a pregnancy test throughout the months that I’m late just to make sure, but I’ve never been more than 15 days late. So at 50 days I was getting a bit antsy. I took 4 tests and they came back negative. My breasts were sore, it was symptoms of my period coming but after a day or two they’d just go away. This happened for a few weeks.

Eventually, my period came and it was a nasty one. It felt like 4 periods into one. A day or two after I first got my period, I was having a really bad cramp so thinking I Had just inserted the tampon a little bit weird I pulled it out , went to wipe and this clot type thing came out.

It was almost like rubber. I couldn’t break it at all. I tried stretching it but it was just too strong. It was almost like it was flesh.

Being concerned, I went to the doctor and showed them this photo and they told me I possibly had a miscarriage, but they weren’t sure. They didn’t do any further checks. Just told me to keep an eye out.

Anyone have any ideas onto what it could be?