just venting I’m sorry


My husband and I have been ttc for three years I am now 31. We have not have any luck. A year ago dh had a semen analysis and it came back with the news that there were no sperm a zero count. We are going to see a fertility doctor soon I hope. Dh keeps putting it off and I feel like he doesn’t want to try anymore. It’s hard to put doesn’t how I’m feeling but devistated and empty are apt. I feel like I should give up and just accept that I will never be able to have a child. I don’t know who to talk to as I feel alone, I have no one to turn to with family as my mother doesn’t want me to have a child, I don’t trust my mother in law. I have some health issues that make it harder for me to get pregnant even with out my dh issue. I’m epileptic but have been on meds to help control that. I know I’m jumping around and I’m sorry my thoughts are just that jumbled up, like my emotions. Dh does say he wants a child with me but with his reluctance to see a dr as we think he has a blockage I just been feeling disappointed. I also feel like a burden when I try and talk about how I feel with anyone even here .... who wants to listen do a person like me, I have almost no friends I can turn to... I can count on one hand how many friends I have with fingers left over😞. I think I should just give up it would be better for everyone and just lock up how I feel and put on face that everything is on it’s what I have found myself doing already the past few weeks. I’m just venting and again I’m sorry for bothering any who read this.