Baby daddy frustrations

After being on off for so many years i finally drew the line. Our baby (2nd child) wasnt even 6 months old and i come home to the aftermath of him drunk passed out and the house a total mess. (I had left at lunch to go pick up our oldest from my parents as they visited the day before to take him for a sleepover). I thought things were going great. We had the most amazing sex not even two days before. But when i got home i asked him why he was drinking and etc and he kept repeating "i dont know" inbetween vomiting. I wasnt even gone 8hrs and he drank himself into a mess. I went looking for his phone thinking he recieved bad news... Boy was i wrong. Turns out he had been texting hookers (no im not being mean i am referring to actual prostitutes). He had their pictures and prices and had gotten one to come over while i was gone. From what i seen hes been messaging and seeing different ladies for their "services" for over a year. I had found his phone in his pants (soaked in beer) in the basement. As i walked upstairs i seen more signs. Lube on the kitchen counter. Opened condom box missing multiple condoms (we didnt even open it 2 days before as i knew my period was due any day). I packed up the kids and we left the next morning (i just finished driving the long drive (2hrs one way) from my parents and was in no state to drive after rhe emotional breakdown i had). Spent a week at my parents. Came home and said we were done.

Fast forward a month and hes been begging me to take him back. Begging me to make this work with him. After the baby we were trying so hard to make it work but he kept telling me to lower my standards cause apparently my expectations were too high.... Well stupid me started falling into his tricks of telling me he will change and i told him once i moved into my own place that maybe if things were still going good we could try again. (We lived so far from everyone bc of his job. So i thought a new job for him would help our situation. Along with being closer to family). I am currently in the process of buying a home (with my dads help) but cant move until my son is done school. While doing all the needed paperwork and etc on my ex's laptop i noticed his email was open. I clicked on it to log him out so i could log in and i noticed there were emails about money transfers to "cutie" he sent not even 3 days ago... Yea ok... You are changing to be a better man?! Bullshit... So i purposely snooped his phone when he was asleep and noticed more convos with hookers and even his snapchat loaded up with subscriptions to their profiles... All recent.. Like really? You cuddle up to me promising things will be different n then get mad i push you away when i find out?

To those wondering why i put up with him: hes an amazing dad and a good friend. He just happens to be the biggest douche when it comes to relstionships.

Note: i havent slept with him since i found out everything and drs already said im clean (trust me i double checked). I also made sure he went in (clean aswell).

K. I think my rant is over...