15, 24 days late and showing signs bf wants to keep it???

Im 15 years old and a highschooler, my bf is almost 18 and im 24 days late and showing signs. Im taking a pregnancy test in the morning. Him and i talked about our options and what we want to do. If im pregnant my dad will kick me out of my house and possibly call the cops to say im a runaway so i go to juvi. Im smart and had a bad year but im doing online school over the summer to get all the credits i need to be an ap student again and want to go to college. My bf goes to an alternative hs and is thinking about the air force but he still has a year of hs left and needs a diploma to go. Im not 100% for having an abortion unless my life is in danger he isnt all for it either, he doesnt like adoption, and his top choice is keeping and raising it together. He has a dad that will take me in and make sure me and the baby are ok, but thats alot to ask from him, too much in my opinion. My relationship isnt going to be illegal because of a romeo and juliet law. I have two kidneys which are basically failing and used to do fairly heavy party drugs alot which means there in worse shape, pregnancy would be extremly hard on my body possibly life threatening. I smoke now, i quit mostly when i found out i could be pregnant. My bf is working and i could for as long as my pregnancy would allow it and with his dad we would be ok money wise and hed help us on our feet easily. His and i's relationship is strong i love him more then ive loved anyone and he feels the same way, our story sounds like it came from a hs romance movie and feels like it too. Im very mature for 15 and usually hate relationships, ive always liked the lone wolf situation better but hes different. I believe hes attached to the possible pregnancy. Weve talked and talked and he has an opinion its my body but our lives and our baby (if i am pregnant) so i dont want to ignore his opinions and feelings about it. I know we could do it and im 100% pessimistic and have thought through all the bad in all the options. I wanted an abortion but already struggle with depression and have attempted in the past and ik an abortion would be extremly hard on me. Ig I just want to know other opinions and if youve been in a situation like this what came out of it. Thankyou for any comments.