So much pressure for a boy... any tips for coping!?!

Abbey.... ❤️ Penelope + Baby Bump ❤️

So basically this is our first baby and we’ve been trying for so long suffered five losses in total and I’ve uterine surgery go correct a septum causing these miscarriages... we found out yesterday we are having a baby girl. Don’t get me wrong I’m so happy she’s healthy and I feel so lucky to even be pregnant but everyone’s expectations kills me... mainly from his side of family saying we need carry the name on and we had one response of oh never mind you can try again!!

This is one thing I can’t control but it’s taking the happiness away from my baby girl! I just feel so low about it!

Can anyone just boost me up a bit or anyone with girls tell me what it’s like and what your husband/partner and daughter relationships are like?

Sorry for the rant girls I’m just so annoyed 😠