Antenatal depression

Antenatal depression has me considering abortion. I’m 11 weeks and feel horrible about the way I’m feeling. At 9 weeks I had the same thoughts and I brushed them under the rug. But now they’re back. I have not once been excited about this pregnancy. I’m absolutely terrified about how life is going to change and if it’s something I really want. I daydream about not being pregnant anymore. I don’t have any attachment to this baby and I don’t know what to do. I had an abortion year’s and years ago and it’s something to this day I do not regret. Now I’m torn as to wether or not that is the right decision this time around. I don’t need any pro life bashing. Just any sort of advice would be appreciated

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Posted at
It's a little late for abortion don't you think..


Ca • May 27, 2019
11 weeks is not at all too late to consider an abortion


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Talk to your doctor. It can be managed.


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This EXACT thing happened to me. I talked to my doctor and he started me on prozac. I’m now 18 weeks pregnant and so incredibly excited to be pregnant. I can’t even imagine how I could have those thoughts. At the time I felt hopeless and like that was the only good option for me. Push through it and talk to your doctor. It gets better 💞


Posted at
I would talk to your doctor about it. I would never consider abortion but with my first pregnancy it was awful, it was so hard and defeating and I was so negative, well things went south and I lost my son at 17 weeks and it is the worst feeling to this day knowing how that pregnancy was a negative thing and I ended up losing him. I will never forgive myself for it and now take medication to control those emotions.


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Think about adoption. But if abortion is your other option then get in with it before your fetus is much older. In my opinion it’s cruel to wait too long... BUT - really clear your mind and think about it because it cannot be undone. I’d rather a women have an abortion than to bring a child into the world that they don’t love or would neglect. ALSO - depression is really common in pregnancy, especially early on with all those hormones raging!! Speak with your doctor about your options. Sometimes letting everything out clears your mind.