
Lately I’ve seen many things on abortion.

Women facing the risk of death penalty, banning IUDs, the pill, etc., and jailing women who had miscarriage.

Even if you are Pro-Life, how is this okay?

I’m Pro-Choice, I believe that after 4 months abortion should only happen for medical reasons. Most women don’t know they are pregnant until 6 weeks, and now people want that you can get an abortion until after that.

Everyone says abortion is wrong but imagine yourself in a young girls situation. She knows nothing about sex, and finds herself pregnant. She’s not ready, but this bill would force her to have a kid she doesn’t want or know how to care for.

Adoption? The system is over run. The stories I’ve read about children in the foster system is horrible, and what having a baby can do to a woman’s body? Terrifying. A 14 year old isn’t ready for that.

Yes, the baby is innocent, but until it is born it does not think, or feel. The brain is the last to develop, if my memory is correct that is.

And when women get abortion is not because the were “irresponsible” or are sluts, it’s a decision that takes WEEKS to decide on, no girl thinks “well I’ll just abort if I get pregnant” NO ONE.

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