Need help talking to my paremts for freedom again.

Im 17 and i love to go out and hang out with my friends and go to parties. Like about 5 months ago my paremts found pregnancy test and condoms in my drawer. I told them that they werent mine and i got away with it. About 3 months ago, my mom found my box where i kept my weed and rolling paper and all that and i also told them that it wasnt mine. They believed that it wasnt mine but i lost their trust. They told me that they werent going to let me out anymore and basically ground me. Its been 5 months that i havent gone out and they think im going to do stupid shit when im not that type of person to find trouble. I try to explain to them that im a teen and i only have such small time before i go to college and i want to live life atm while im young. Ive also been feeling really depressed lately from not going out and being free and not be stressed. Ive been behaving these past months and i just want to gain their trust back. Do i tell them how i feel and try to see if they can let me go out again? And is it better to say through text than them interrupting me in person?