Y’all I’m pressed


Okay so my sister got in a car accident. She was on her way to school and this asshole cut her off, ALMOST HITTING HER, making her swerve and run into a fire hydrant. Which caused her passenger door to come completely off.

Now we have insurance on the car and we called the insurance company to tell them what happened. They told us it was considered a hit and run cause the guy that cut her off didn’t stay. ( which pissed me off so fucking much) So you know my sister is kind of upset about what happened. To make up for it we bought her some wing stop and took her out shopping with my other sister and cousin to take her mind off of it.

While we are eating the insurance company calls her to get her statement. After getting the statement the guy tells her that she will be faulted for the accident because she swerved. I kidd you not I was fuming. My mom called back to be like wassup y’know cause common sense is you dont get hit. You avoid that.

After that they basically told us that well she should’ve gotten hit. Like literally not to long ago I lost a cousin in an accident. To tell us that was like getting hit with a truck.

They told my mom that they won’t up her insurance but I feel it in my gut that it’s complete bullshit because they’ve screwed us over before so.

It just upsets me because they said if she just had gotten hit then we would’ve helped.

Sorry for the rant I just need to let that off my chest.