Is it bad?

Is it bad that at times like these, when both my daughter (who is already needy) and I are unwell and my husband is out of the country for work, that I resent the choice I made to be a SAHM.

I feel that SAHM's are considered lazy by modern society for not 'working', but my god it's hard work being at home with an infant all day. Working mum's at least get some time away from the crying neediness, some time to go back to some semblance of the normality that existed before they had kids. SAHMs don't have that luxury. We've got to devote every waking minute to our children, regardless of how shit you feel.

I think I've got it particularly bad since I live abroad and don't really have a support network here. It's just me and baby. Dad is away so often for work these days that I have started to hate his boss for giving him demanding customers that need constant attention (meaning more trips abroad for my husband). Sigh.

Sorry, I just need to rant. I'm pacing up and down in my apartment with my baby strapped to my chest in her sling while she sleeps, wishing I could sleep too...