Women can be so selfish and delusional

A few things I wish grown women know (but apparently dont):

Your man does not owe you children.

Your man is allowed to change his mind on having/not having kids.

Your man is allowed friends.

If your man treats you like crap and ignores your attempts to talk it out, you do not owe him. You do not need to stay. There is no working out problems when only one person is trying to.

A healthy relationship is NOT one where you have to keep tabs on your man. You should not have to have a location app on his phone or have to log into his emails/snoop through his phone regularly to ensure he's not doing something wrong.

You do not own your man. He is an independent person with feelings, thoughts, goals and ambitions. If what he wants in life is not what you want now/anymore, it is not your main goal to make him CHANGE. You ACCEPT IT or MOVE ON.

Take to heart this phrase "treat others as you would like to be treated."