

Anyone else’s almost two year old just constantly whine. It’s only when I’m around and it’s making me so frustrated and I don’t want to feel frustrated around him. It’s constant whining if he doesn’t get what he wants, even if he gets what he wants, if I leave the room, if I don’t leave the room. He doesn’t do it with anyone else and it’s driving me crazy

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Posted at
Ugh yes. My son is an angel with my husband, but the minute I get home he whines and cries. 🙄


Posted at
yes omgggggg !!! 😡


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His tantrums are the WORST with me. They're bad with my husband but awful awful awful with me. The kicker for us is that he slaps me in the face and no one else. Our pedi warned us at his 18 month check up that toddlers do this with those they trust most, so it's normal for them to behave like angels for a babysitter, daycare, and grandparents and then be demons at home. I guess it's a compliment that he's the worst with me, but it sure makes me feel self conscious and it's exhausting! 😅


Abby • Jun 29, 2019
I could have written this!!


Posted at
Yesss, mine doesn't whine but kinda full on temper tantrums. And I have yet to figure out how to avoid/defuse them. I have tried everything. 😕 So, unfortunately no advice. I have been told that it gets better but idk if they mean when they are adults or in like a few months lol.


Posted at
My daughter is an angel everyday with my mom until I come home then she’s like completely different idk why she’s like that with me


lo • May 18, 2019
Aww that sounds so sweet.


Mi • May 18, 2019
I read an article that kids are like that because they hold themselves together all day with someone else and they feel the most comfortable with you and that you'll love them no matter what- that they can open up and let all those big emotions out that they cannot yet handle. I guess it was a positive spin on it all. Haha


Posted at
I really press my son to use his words and remind him of that whenever he starts whining. I also let him know that I'm here to help him if he needs it- but he has to tell me/show me what he wants.My son is able to verbalize very well so this request is reasonable for him. Also since he was younger- we would both take a deep breath together and "regroup" ourselves when he would get frustrated. It doesn't work all the time but I feel that it has subdued a few tantrums.


Posted at
Yessss! Omg my 19 month old whines A LOT especially when he doesn't get his way. I've gotten to the point I just stare at him until he stops. He's learning the many faces of moms disappointment young. 90% of the time his whining is uncalled for so I dont give it too much attention. If he's whining for a legitimate reason I try and talk to him to see what it is. He will usually pull me to what he wants and be done with it.


Posted at
Yep and same, it's never with anyone else but me and occasionally her Dad. I have lost my cool a couple times and yelled at her, but I also had a screaming one month old those times so it was over the top frustrating, especially when I would give her what she wanted and she would still do it. The only thing I have found that helps somewhat is telling her to go to bed that obviously she is tired if all she wants to do is whine and then she will go in there and I will close the door with me in there and she will kind of reset and I ask if she wants to go to bed or wants to get up, when she says get up then I ask if she's done whining and she says yes and usually stops for a couple hours.


Shauna • May 17, 2019
I will have to try that! Thanks