Worst day of work.

Elizabeth • tatted hairstylist 💇🏼‍♀️✂️☺️Bunny momma 🐰

So today was probably one of the worst days at work we have had in a while. Our boss is on vacation, another coworker on vacation. Two people called out sick, one girl was down in dc, and one was late.

We were crazy swamped. My shift wasn’t supposed to start until 4. But my coworker misty called me around 10:30 begging me to come in. (We work in a hair salon/barbershop, we have two sides). Misty was on the women’s side and Miranda was on the men’s side. Misty asked me to come in early and I went in, got there about 12pm. Miranda was busy with a bunch of guy cuts. Misty was held up doing 3 highlights. And still had people signed in. I started helping out misty first getting those clients out. And then went over and helped as much as I could on our men’s side. When the one girl who was late finally showed up. She decided to bash me on our group chat stating I didn’t help much.

I am only one person, I can only help as much as I can. I did 22 haircuts today (doesn’t seem like a lot, but it really is). I busted my ass today. And I get home and read the messages in the group chat to only find out I was bashed through the chat for not helping. I get so sick of the bull**** I have to deal with at my job. I can’t wait to move.

And to top it all off. Tried cracking my back today and felt my ribs pop. Which now they hurt. And I dropped my damn shears on my foot and stabbed my toe.