Infertility Support Group

Trish • My name is Trish🩷 and my hubby is Justin🩵 and we have been TTC baby👶🏻 #1 for 11 yrs. We are huge geeks🎮💻. We are waiting anxiously for our rainbow🌈👶🏻 baby.

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 years. I have Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Subtype 2A, Poly Cystic Ovaries, irregular periods, and I don't always ovulate. My husband had a semen analysis done and it came back with his count being normal, morphology being normal, very low motility (it was a straight 5 on the paperwork. So he hasn't been able to go see a urologist yet because we live in a small town and have to travel but also have to find one that takes his insurance and will help with fertility. Plus we have to see how much it will cost.

So for now to help me deal with the emotional rollercoaster that is of infertility, I decided to volunteer and host an Infertility Support in my area in Oklahoma. We meet once a month and talk about all the different struggles we are going through, I print out information to go over under a certain topic. It's still pretty new but I am enjoying meeting with those who are struggling with the same things we are.