So sick of rude people !!!

Why do people feel its ok to judge or insult people ? 🤷🏻

Im at buybuy baby store buying things for my daughter and in that isle was another couple and it was obvious it was a gay couple and they had a newborn baby girl ... They asked me things about baby products since they where first time parents and i gladly told them things i felt where good ... We where having a conversation and they said she was adapted just recently that they had to run out buy a few things cause it was a call out of no where from the agency and now need to finish buying her things. so i was congratulating them she was truly precious and they where over the moon they made a beautiful family . so we head towards the skin care items like soap lotion ect .. Thier was an older lady and she came up to them and started insulting them i was baffled... She said thier disgusting and someone should take the baby from them. i couldn't hold it in i went off. I told her who do you think you are to insult people thier human and deserve to find love and create a family just like any of one else , and i said that baby will be the luckiest girl to have 2 daddys that will love her. Her response is how do you agree with this would you give your baby's to a gay couple ? That baby will be gay now ! So ignorant my response to her was , if i couldn't keep my baby and a couple that was gay can give them a life i couldnt then yea i would and gay is not something you catch or become because your parents are and move along is what you need to do !!!

I dont understand people if you dont agree with something thats fine but dont go and insult people because of who they love or what thier sexual orientation is ...

Im glad i was in that isle cause now i have 2 good friends and our baby girls and my 2year old will be friends cause we are staying in touch 💕