
I’m 10 weeks pregnant and my fiancé and I both got accepted into awesome colleges out in California for the fall. However, we’re stuck in a lease at the moment until December with a roommate. Not just any roommate, she’s absolutely disgusting. She has fermented, dirty, smelly laundry sitting in bags in the living room that have been there since October (I’m talking dirty socks and underwear that hasn’t been washed for almost a year, even dirty from her old apartment, which looked like a hoarder’s nest but she claimed she changed so we gave her a chance) , she brings random strangers over to have sex with and leaves the doors unlocked for them to sneak in in the middle of the night, her room smells horrendous. It’s so overwhelmingly strong of old garlic and cheap perfume and I can smell it all throughout the apartment, she’s not touched the dishes or the trash once, leaving fiancé and I to do them constantly. She’s even admitted she apparently doesn’t even know the difference between a clean or dirty dishwasher. She hoards old food and trash and brings it all out at once, conveniently after we slave over the kitchen for 45 minutes. She never pays utilities, leaving us two to cover her ass, she’s been late on rent, leaving us extremely tight on money for a bit because we had to pay her part, which was almost $400. She didn’t even care. She’s even broken into our bedroom before. My fiancé was home and the door was locked, instead of asking who was home, she just took a safety pin and unlocked the door and tried to sneak in, only to be met by a very frustrated and angry fiancé. She said she was just grabbing my flat iron to use, but she was being so suspicious and she didn’t even use the iron, which leads me to believe she was looking for something else. We’re so depressed and overwhelmed because of her and she doesn’t care. We’ve paid for her dinner, her movie tickets, and all she does is bully my fiancé and act like she’s innocent. I’m going to negotiate getting our names off the lease and leaving everything to her. Being in an environment like this is horrible for a baby, let alone a pregnant woman. I honestly don’t care if she crashes and burns at this point on her own. I have zero sympathy for her. I’m holding back throwing up as I type because the smell from her room is so strong it seeps through the walls. 😒😞