Rant about friend mom

Last night our families where hanging out at our friends house. They have a one year old son. It was very late at night. 2am. This kid WOULD NOT go to bed. So at one point his kid is just crying, sitting on the couch not really throwing a fit but upset. All of a sudden this kid starts throwing up! His mother runs over, starts whiping him down woth a towel and i head over to help. I pull out my baby whipes and start cleaning his little red face as his mom went to grab another towel. THE WHOLE TIME THIS IS HAPPENING... the mother is saying stuff like, "well this is what happens when you throw a fit kid." And "He's just throwing a fit." Bla bla bla. No. This kid is throwing up curdled milk. FUCKING ROTTEN MILK!! and while the mom messing around with her phone this kid is still throwing up. Mom cant handle the puck so she leaves. I dont even fucking notic, care, whatever. I pullhim for forward so that he's not choking on the puke that is still coming. After he's done he looks up at me, so drained, so tired, so sick. My heart broke. I get him undressed, whiped down, and changed. His mom cleans off the couch while i hold him and coddle him.

He ends up okay and eventually calls asleep. But here's why I'm pissed. Because No. This kid wasnt throwing up bc he was upset. He was throwing up because his stupid parents will put whole milk in a sippycup. Give it to him. And continue giving it to him until it is completely gone. Whick could be 5 or 6 hours!!! He's drinking spoiled milk! Its because theyre lazy and dont want to wash it constantly. But guess what?! Thats what you do!!! And then im being told by the mom that i babied him too much and that he's fine and he does it to himself. LIKE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!! His dad wasnt in the room, and when i told him about this he was upset believe me