

I'm just now 30 weeks pregnant and I am sooo exhausted. The other night my toddler didn't sleep well, so I was up half the night. But since then he has slept fine, and I have slept fine. But I also feel like no matter how much sleep I get at night I am still just sooo exhausted and cant make up for sleep that I lost that one night like a week ago... I'm irritable and touchy and always tired. Please tell me I'm not alone! I don't remember being this tired with my first.

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You are definitely not alone! I’m 30 weeks Tuesday and last night my toddler had a bad night too. 😭 He never wakes in the night but yesterday was up crying in the middle of the night and didn’t want me to leave his side! I’m so drained already, high risk, and then a crappy nights sleep makes life sooooo hard.


Mr • May 20, 2019
Not to mention he enjoys waking at 6am on the dot 😴😴


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30 weeks too & I feel the same. I wake up all night long to pee, then get up at 6:45 with my daughters to get ready for school. I was SO excited to just sleep in Saturday morning and my body still wouldn't let me sleep right. Not only did I pee all night as usual, I ended up waking up at 6:30am because my body decided I needed breakfast right then & there. Then after I ate, I was exhausted again, so i went to go lay down for a bit..and then my girls woke up ready for me to make them breakfast 😫


Posted at
I am definitely more tired than I was with my first. Or it’s affecting me more or something. But I also wasn’t running around after 3 year old twins when I was pregnant last time! I try to catch up a little on Sunday mornings when my husband is home — but I feel the same way and one bad night without enough sleep takes days to recover from!