Streak floors



Does anyone have really shiny laminate floors? We installed a cherry laminate, I can’t make it look as pretty as it did when we bought it.

Most of the products I’ve used leave a film. You can see tiny toddler footprints if I get it streak free. You can see streaks if I get it footprint free.

I’ve tried vinegar and water. It does the best so far but, it’s still not footprint or streak free.

Any recommendations?

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Posted at
I had the same problem. I tried everything. Nothing working. I would just mop and dry with a towel


Posted at
I clean with a mix of one part white vinegar one part water and it doesn’t leave streaks!


Posted at
Ugh that really sucks. We had dark cherry hardwood and had similar problems. It also shows any and all dirt and/or pet hair. Do you have a steam mop? That might help. But honestly I’d probably get used to it unless you wanna get new floors lol that’s what we did.


Posted at
Inhad darl cherry ones.. almost black and had this same issue. I had to dry them with a towel as I mopped to make them shiny. But soon as someone walked bare foot on them again the oil from their feet put the prints right back.I do not miss those floors lol