Embarrassment- Being asked "Are you pregnant?" (Nope, just have a gut.)

Two times in less then a year I have been mistaken for being pregnant when really I just have a tummy from weight gain. Reguardless of if its someone you work with or even a stranger... each time it gets more hurtful and embarrassing. Today I started a very heavy and painful period and have been extremely bloated. My husband and I have been TTC and had a chemical pregnancy not too long ago. Being asked today if I was pregnant was especially painful because I was so sure I was pregnant. I could cry right now both from cramping pains and disappointment that this month TTC didnt turn out the way I was certain it would. I was about 20 days late and then AF showed. PCOS sucks. Im pretty sad right now but trying not to feel totally defeated.

Has anyone been mistaken for being pregnant and felt the embarrassment of explaining youre just bloated?

Ladies, if you cant visibly tell FOR SURE that someone is pregnant, can we all agree to just not ask? Or am I the only one that goes by that rule? Im sorry but I would rather not risk completely crushing someones confidence just to satisfy my own curiosity. Maybe thats me being a little harsh because I am hurt right now.. i dont know. I just dont understand how people still dont understand that just because someone looks put together doesnt mean they arent going through something. This might sound mean but honestly doesnt it make more sense to just think for a second before asking such a loaded question? Is it really worth risking the 50 50 shot of congratulating someone vs kicking them when theyre already possibly down?? Just had to get that off my chest. Thanks if you made it this far.