Can I just remove my toenails?

Odd...very odd question I know. But I barely have nails on my pinky toes and I think they’re kind of deformed. One pinky toe doesn’t even touch the ground. The nails they do have grow out and weird and they cause pain because my pinky toes are fat asses and the top of them goes over the nail like...and I have to cut what’s there off and that just makes it worse so I’m in a shitty situation with my pinky toes and I want them gone. It’s not like they get infected. They’ve never had an ingrown toenail BECAUSE THERES NOT ENOUGH TOE NAIL TO HAVE AN INFECTED TOENAIL.

...obviously I am frustrated with my pinky toe situation and I literally want the nails removed entirely so my toes can just be happy.. I am really considering just going to see my doctor and looking him in the eyes and saying “I need you to get rid of my toenails” like hiring a hit man