Was rough sex too much???

I was having crazy monkey sex with my Fwb and it was so good, also I want to say a little bit of kinky stuff but not too much. So basically we were going super hard at a certain point where I felt as though I was just bouncing off of him and ( he’s sorta on the bigger size dick) and we’re switching positions throughout that time too, even at different paces multiple times. So I get home to the bathroom and I see I have blood on my pantyliner. I know this is not from my period as I was on it maybe over a week ago, actually I’m on ovulation time now btw. And I’m not a virgin. Basically... what do I do?! Why am I bleeding??

I’m still bleeding and it’s been a few hours.

I have a fears, and one of them is about getting toxic shock syndrome, is it possible to get it with hard sex? We’re both clean. Please answer to anyone who might know or have similar experience.