Spotting before iui

Hi ladies,

So hubby and I are in the process of starting IUI. I was told I don’t ovulate and was given meds to bring on my period since I was on day 50 something of my cycle. Well on Monday I thought it was coming on so I didn’t start the pills. Has some light spotting when I wiped a few days before. On Monday the nurse told me if it’s brown it’s still spotting so we waited until Tuesday for red blood to show to classify it as day 1 of my cycle to start iui pills. It was all Tuesday that I had what I thought was a normal period, red blood and it was on my pad and there was a little clot in the toilet and the water was red (tmi sorry) however by Thursday it went back to brown and I only needed 1 pad all day. Thursday we also started the menopur shot and fermera so now I’m

Scared I didn’t actually have a period.

The nurses obviously can’t tell if I do or don’t and because mine have been so off the last few months I am unsure as well but I’m 90% sure now it I wasn’t. According to the nurse it looks like we have wasted chance 1 of 3 chances for iui and im devastated. We won’t know for sure until May 31 when we do the ultrasound. Anyone have a similar experience?