He’s here 🎉


As I’ve posted many annoying questions thought I’d announce that I gave birth on the 22nd. ( The day after my birthday 🙌🏽🎉😂)

Since most of my questions were about the induction thought I’d give a little update. Incase it helps anyone else.

Got the pessary put in on Monday 20th after a few hours had really strong painful contractions but was sent home that night due to being irregular.

My pessary fell out in the morning (21st) so went back to the hospital to have it put back. But was 2cm dilated and was having contractions on my own. So they decided to break my waters after a sweep.

Waters broken at 2pm

Had a walk around.

Epidural around 6pm then had a hormone drip fitted.

Was checked at 12:20am (22nd) and was 8cm dilated but babies head wasn’t down.

Then was told I’ll be checked between 2:20-4:20am but shortly after I was ready to push.

After a few pushes ... Welcome

Teddy Alexander!!

1:54 am

9lb 5oz

Being induced was amazing everything was so controlled and calm. I loved it.

Thank you everyone for your advice.