PCOS Weightloss help


So, I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19(I’m 23 now) and never given a whole lot of support.

I gained 60 lbs in less than a year while I was the most active I’ve ever been in my life.

When I asked my doctor about it he didn’t seem to believe how active I was (I was a runner...I love running). He kept telling me to go to the gym and cut down calories.

So, I did that. I even got a personal trainer. I never lost more than 5 lbs.

Then I was advised to try the Atkins diet. I did, and,again, lost only the same 5 lbs.

My doctor prescribed metformin...didn’t make any difference. I just got really sick.

Then my doctor referred me to Bariatric surgery. I didn’t go through with it. I just feel there has to be a better option.

Recently my fertility doc recommended paleo. I did that. Again, only the same 5 lbs.

it’s so frustrating. I feel like when I try and give it 100% I can only get to 180lbs. When I eat like anyone else I stay at 185 lbs. If I’m not being careful I cap off at 190 lbs.

I’m at my wits end. I’m tired of my body feeling like this. I fought it the whole time I gained the weight. It’s frustrating because no one seems to believe that I am not someone who eats like crazy or even really bad.

Anything work for any one else? I’m not sure what to even do anymore.