Don’t know how to feel

I hope this doesn’t make me sound like a horrible person but I’m just extremely overwhelmed lately. I’m 6 days postpartum and I love my s/o’s family but omg they’re driving me insane. When I was in the hospital they were visiting and my fil looked at my daughter and said “wanna go see mommy” and handed MY daughter to my mil. It really upset me, I looked up at them and my fil was like oops I mean grandma and my mil got upset when he corrected himself. This ended up happening 4 more times so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t an accident. (Before I got pregnant my s/o’s family was very persistent about either being in the room when I was in labor or being in the waiting room when I had my c section and they basically demanded to want to hold her right away, this didn’t end up happening because my c section was at 9pm and I made it known to the hospital staff I was to be the first to hold my baby besides my s/o.). His family also seems to think everything is about them when it comes to this baby. They got upset when I tried to take my daughter back to breast feed and demanded my s/o get her formula (I had to supplement I had issues feeding in the beginning) that way my mil would be able to feed my baby. They want to come by almost every day to see the baby which I know they’re excited too but come on I just had a major surgery and I’d love to spend time with just my s/o and our daughter to bond as a new family. I’m just feeling overwhelmed by the amount of issues that have arose since I got pregnant in general. I just feel like they want everything to be about their family, their relationship with the baby, and just them in general. Anytime I even remotely say anything about being in a little pain my mil feels the need to talk about how bad her birth experience was my my fil thinks he needs to mention how he had a surgery once and how bad that was. Anything I say feels like it gets pushed away and replaced by something they say. I was going to let my mil watch the baby when I returned to work, but I really don’t trust her. I don’t trust that she won’t try to make my baby love her more than me, or that she will do things the way I want them done. She’s already had an issue with me breastfeeding because that means she can’t feed my daughter every time she’s hungry, she doesn’t like who my s/o and I have picked for the pediatrician so she questioned me about that, she didn’t like who I chose as my OB for pregnancy, she doesn’t like how I picked my baby up when she was crying. I just feel like there’s this underlying hatred she has towards me. I’ve always been polite and tried to include them in things all except the birth because I wanted that to be special between s/o and I. Like I love her as family I just don’t feel the same appreciation. It feels like she is upset she’s not the spotlight of my s/o’s life anymore (neither am I our daughter is).