13dpo bfn feeling incredibly low

Michal • 39 years old, Mom of angel baby Jack Thomas born and went to heaven at 23.5 weeks. TTC since 8 - 2018. Baby #2 MC at 7.5 weeks Jan 2019 Baby #3 MC AT 9.6 weeks Nov 2019

I miscarried in January and lost my boy at 23.5 weeks last June. I am feeling incredibly low and depressed. I’d give anything to bring my pregnancy back, and to at least have made it to 30 weeks with my son. I’m also now 39 years old and feel like maybe that’s it for me.

Today I took a test at 13dpo and got a bfn. My two pregnancies were positive at 11dpo. The weight of these emotions is unbearable. I just feel like I’m falling apart. 😔