“Your baby may have an open neural defect”


That’s what my OB told me this time last week after my blood test from the day before came back with a positive result/high level of the alpha fetoprotein (AFP) which usually indicates the baby has an open skull or spine that is leaking the protein.

They had me come do an ultrasound within the hour of calling me. We got no answers from that. Everything appears normal, but the ultrasound pictures weren’t of great quality according to the radiologist.

Granted my AFP level was only 2.71 and the normal should be under 2.5 but they were concerned enough to want to look closer. I don’t blame them.

But here we sit, planning my baby shower, going on with life as if we aren’t dealing with this. Only me and my husband know at this point. We haven’t told our families because we don’t want them to worry or make the situation more stressful for us than it already is.

I have an appointment in 2 weeks with a Maternal/Fetal Medicine specialist to have a level 2 ultrasound.

I do have my 19 week anatomy ultrasound in 2 days and I’m hoping maybe they will get some better images then and we might have answers sooner. But I’m not holding my breath.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? This is my first pregnancy and I’m terrified.