There's a "Witch" at my work . . . Advice??

Cake • It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
--  I work in retail and for the holidays, they brought in a life sized "witch" statue as one of the seasonal merchandise. It even talks in this creepy voice when you walk past. 
-- I can't help but feel that if this were a stereotypical Jew statue (or any other religion that can easily be stereotyped), people would be massively pissed off by it.
-- I've mentioned to a few people that I'm a Witch, and I've tried to be decent about it and kind of joke to people about how it looks nothing like me, but I'm REALLY kinda not ok with it. And the other day while I wasn't at work, a bunch of co-workers took her wig off and were wearing it (I know because I'm on a fb site with them and they shared the photos). Some were posing like a "witch" and others weren't. I've told my teacher about all of this and showed him the photos and he got really annoyed. 
-- I just don't know how to react to this sort of thing!! I'm pretty offended, but I don't wanna be unreasonable about this. I can't just ask them to not sell a certain product. . . What would you do??