

Just wondering has anyone had the balloon put in to stretch the cervix and whatnot? I have a 39 week appointment next week and I would just like to be prepared what they offer to me. With my first I was only offered the membrane sweep which didn’t work and then they induced me. This time I am on a ifferent hospital and they apparently offer it as to induce “naturally”..

I am a bit scared of the balloon, but is it scary actually? It sounds a bit weird for me. Why am I asking so early? As I said I would like to be prepared for anything they would like to try if there’s a reason for. I know maybe too much thinking ahead, but hey.. I had an awful first experience of giving birth and I would just this time like to be prepared a bit more and just asking for other people’s experience.

Negative comments can just be untyped. No need for that, as I am hormonal and a bit anxious already. Cheeeeers x