

Looking for a bit of unbiased advice.

I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant and off work sick due to being high risk pregnancy for multiple reasons. Me and my partner have no family living in the same country as us and we don’t want to put our child in childcare so most likely I will be off work for a couple of years.

I work in finance and have some savings which I have saved my whole working life for babies as I have always wanted children. I am entitled to sick pay at work and maternity pay for some months.

My partner is currently employed and we can just about survive on his salary alone if we need to but he wants to start his own business in the next couple of months (around the time baby is due). He is planning to leave his job as soon as business doors open. The new business is going to cost a fair bit of money upfront which he doesn’t have so he is putting it on personal credit cards in his name.

I don’t have much confidence in his business idea or his finance plans which I’ve discussed with him and he says I’m being negative.

I feel very nervous and stressed, the timing feels terrible to me. I know his intentions are good and he wants to earn money for us and the baby but I don’t think it’s the best way.

Every time we try to discuss it leads to a big argument so I’m stuck with stress of arguing or stress of just agreeing to his plans to avoid argument.

How would you handle this situation?