Having a hard time 💔😢

Kelli • 36 years old 💁🏻‍♀️ Dominic 4/25/2003 💙 Alexis 1/21/2006 ⭐️ Skylar 7/31/2018🌹Jackson 1/25/2020 💚

I know most of you ladies have been trying to get pregnant or are looking forward to being pregnant ... so please don’t take this as me complaining ... I’m just having a hard time with my current situation.

I left my husband on Saturday. There had been past verbal/emotional abuse but Saturday was an actually physical attack. I went and got a protective order on Tuesday and on Wednesday I found out that I’m pregnant. I have a million different emotions and during a time that I should be happy ... I’m heartbroken. We have a 10 month old daughter who is beautiful and happy and sweet. I wasn’t planning on having another due to my age and the fact that I already have 3 kids (2 teenagers from a previous relationship). I’m scared because I will have to do this on my own. I’m heartbroken that I don’t get to tell the one person that I should be excited to tell. I’m sad that my 10 month old and unborn child have to come from a broken family home.

BUT at the same time, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and that for whatever the reason, maybe this baby was meant to bring me hope and happiness and healing and possibly something to look forward to in all of this heartbreak and chaos.

Sorry for rambling ... thank you for reading.

Please no judging ❤️